Bias in Expert Evidence

Bias in Expert Evidence

In forensic science, subjective judgments tend to play a role in how experts analyse and interpret impressionistic or abstract theoretical conclusions. Bias, or the perception of bias may become a challenge for experts in some circumstances. As the Expert Institute...
Extracting The Entitlement

Extracting The Entitlement

The Brief If you find yourself involved in a dispute regarding the time aspects of your project, you may find that the appointment of a delay expert is an essential consideration to extract entitlement. Delay analysis is arguably a difficult subject to deal with and...
Adjudication & COVID-19

Adjudication & COVID-19

In April and May of this year we provided a series of webinars. These focused on best practice for construction parties dealing with suspension or delay of works due to the COVID-19 lockdowns in various jurisdictions. In this article, we take a look at some of the...
Adjudication: An Overview

Adjudication: An Overview

This article takes a look at the merits of ‘adjudication’ as a means of resolving disputes and ensuring continued cashflow in the construction industry. A time-limited system for resolving a dispute, adjudication is typically limited to a four-week period for...