Dispute Resolution
Poor contract administration is a leading cause of construction disputes worldwide. If a project begins to head towards a dispute, it is vital that you seek to understand your position in relation to the contract.
Often, formal disputes can be avoided by effectively demonstrating contractual entitlement. The use of a dispute resolution procedure ought to be a measure of last resort. But there will be times when you have no option but to commence resolution proceedings. Damian James can assist you and your legal teams with this process.
Should formal proceedings be necessary, there are options available outside litigation. Sometimes your contract will dictate which methods are appropriate, but other times it may depend on the size, scale and complexity of the issues, availability of information and a range of other factors.
We are also familiar with the requirements of legal teams and law firms, having been appointed many times to support them in dispute resolution. Whatever role we are required to support with, our experience will be a positive asset to the resolution of any dispute that might arise.
At Damian James, we are experienced in navigating the procedures of all forms of dispute resolution including adjudication, arbitration, mediation and litigation.
Disputes are costly and take you and your team away from your projects. Allow us to support you and your teams through the process, to achieve the best possible result. With our help, you can reduce the amount of time spent on a dispute, and maintain important business relationships.
Get in touch today to see how we can help you.