Our Terms and Privacy Information
At Damian James we respect your privacy and we aim to provide you with the most useful and up to date information on our website at all times.
Whilst we hope you find it useful, we cannot verify the accuracy of information provided by third parties but will do our best to check them before publishing or linking. We make every effort to ensure articles and opinion editorial on this site are up-to-date. However, over time, circumstances and information may change, so we recommend you check the latest information independently.
We respect your privacy and want to look after your data. Generally we will not use HTTP cookies, but where we do, it is to enhance your user experience and no personal data is held by us or used by us in relation to you or your activity.
If you are a member of our mailing list, your contact information may exist securely in our CRM system. Damian James uses this data to send you information related to our services, products and events that we believe are of interest to you. This information may be sent by post or via email. If at any point you no longer prefer to receive marketing communications from Damian you can unsubscribe from Damian James communications sent by
email using a link provided in marketing emails sent from Damian James;
contact us to exercise your right to prevent all forms of marketing (both post and email).
Thank you for taking the time to visit the site and we look forward to meeting you in person soon.