If you caught the climate change article Damian and Marcia Davids wrote for Global Construction Review a few months ago, you may be interested to see a more detailed version. The publication ‘arbitrarily speaking’, published last month features the full, detailed article. The article looks at a range of issues raised by the ongoing climate crisis and the industry’s reaction to it.
Find out what the contractual risks of climate change might be. As ‘adverse weather’ becomes less and less unusual, what is the cost of inaction? And what are the likely impacts on contracts, disputes and dispute resolution? Will there need to be change in the drafting of contracts?
Are climate and weather patterns inevitably set to change? Will the changes impact the nature and frequency of disputes where the cause is adverse or unusually adverse weather? To what extent will those involved in construction need to be alive to the challenges posed?
Read the article to find out how those involved in the resolution of disputes will equally need to be aware of the change landscape and be ready to assess or analyse such matters.
You’ll find the full article here. Thanks to Marcia Davids for her valuable contribution.