On 27th June, we will host a climate change webinar, adjusted from the original SCL Africa session which will look at the risk of climate change. The session features Marcia David who is a past mentee of Damian James and has a particular interest in this important area of law.
As noted in her article, there are a whole range of issues raised by the ongoing climate crisis and the industry’s reaction to it. Join us to find out what the contractual risks of climate change might be. As ‘adverse weather’ becomes less and less unusual, what is the cost of inaction? What are the likely impacts on contracts, disputes and dispute resolution? Will there need to be change in the drafting of contracts?
We hope you’ll join us for what promises to be an interesting and lively discussion. As well as Marcia and Damian, we hope to have a special guest panellist we’ll confirm nearer the time.
Sign up to the webinar here.