Damian joins Paul Heming for his latest edition of the ‘Own the Build’ podcast for a look at delay & disruption and the power of ‘no’ in construction projects.

In it, the pair discuss a range of topics, including delay, disruption and the “power of no” in construction disputes. You’ll find the podcast on your usual players, or you can listen to it directly here:

The Boat…

The duo discuss why it is that in the construction industry, there’s an unwritten rule. That rule is “Don’t rock the boat”.

But avoiding tough conversations when delay & disruption arise can lead to bigger problems down the line. Damian and Paul examine why rocking the boat a little bit can avoid sinking it at a later stage…

👉 The Contractual Culture – Why following the contract can feel like causing offence.

👉 Bad News Barriers – Employees often hesitate to deliver tough messages to contractors or employers, creating friction and delays.

👉 What Needs to Change – How addressing issues head-on can transform relationships and project outcomes.

Ultimately, the pair question whether confronting challenges early is about being “contractual”, or whether actually, it’s about building trust and protecting the project, to minimise the risk of costly disputes. If you need any help tackling any of the issues discussed in the podcast, get in touch with one of the team today.